Born in Paris to Cameroonian parents, Maurice Pefura lives and works in Milan. He is an architect by training but has always centered his work on painting and installations
“When we talk about the house what do we say precisely? What is its meaning? What can we understand by a house? Since the prehistoric cave and its hostile exterior, until today, at the time of such important movement of people throughout the world?
We will go in search of THE LOST HOUSE Confronting the issue of the relationship between body and space. Talking of house could be finally talking about ourselves, about our view, our eye, our window, about the viewpoint, our point of view, view of the world, our point of observation when we talk about the world. Formulate a position, build a structure, and assume a position.”
Nous ne sommes pas tous des Artistes!
Si notre première préoccupation est la protection de notre corps, de nous assurer d’un abri, ou de créer l’espace pour le bien être de notre corps
Alors que sommes nous sinon des Architectes d’abord et avant tout.
La modernité avec sa tendance à la sur-spécialisation nous a peu à peu coupé de la conscience de cette dotation naturelle, qui pourtant reste solidement ancré en chacun de nous, pour qui sait le voir.
The Lost House est l’invitation à un voyage immobile au plus profond de nous meme pour trouver le chemin ou les clefs de cette maison enfouie que nous portons en chacun de nous.
Notre atelier a été une tentative de concevoir la maison par le prisme du corps.
s’appuyer sur ce que chacun aura identifié comme exigences fondamentales de son propre corps pour penser la création de l’espace de la maison.
As particular beings we all have particular needs in terms of space for the wellbeing of our body.
THE LOST HOUSE questions the notion of house in the perspective of the body.
There is a house hidden somewhere deep inside ourselves.
The challenge here is to go deep down in search of it
The following young artists have been selected and are participating as apprentice in Maurice Pefura's studio. At the moment they are interacting online through Zoom and Whatsapp.

Nadunga Alison is a Public Health specialist, an art teacher and an Origamist from Uganda.
Wembabazi Nadunga is an Artist from Budadiri Sironko Eastern Uganda.Born and raised in a family of Artists and Musicians, Nadungas expected line of career interest took an absolute turn when she signed up for Public Health at The International Health Sciences University.
This didn't change much about her deeply engraved Artistic Foundation that often times popped up during her brain storming processes that she usually had pictorial representation/illustration that she used as reference to help with memory.
In Nadungas free time as a University Student, she run a Banana Cake business, played violin, tennis, run a Health Education/Skilling project with The Milege Heritage Foundation where she currently works and worked at a Bank where she folded Bank Statements with absolute accuracy.
While at the Bank, folding paper became her thing and a new found hobby that she was not about to let go of. Her Big Brothers introduced her to Origami at this point, something that they beloved resonated well with her ability to fold paper very quickly and with accuracy.
Nadunga has since ventured into Origami, teaches it to children and communities as a sustainable skill and critical thinking tool.
Her practice as an Artist mainly revolves around themes of Education and much of her experiences sharing in the knowledge of art with communities.

Natasha Bezuidenhout is a South African visual artist.
Natasha Bezuidenhout was born in East London, South Africa in 1991. She holds a B. Tech Degree in Fine Art (cum laude) from Walter Sisulu University. In 2016, she completed a Bachelor of Arts (Honours) degree in Art History, receiving The Helen Timm Fine Art Award for her work from Rhodes University. She was selected as a finalist for the Absa L’Atelier and Sasol New Signatures Art Competition (2018). In 2019, she graduated with a Master of Fine Art Degree with distinction from Rhodes University. Bezuidenhout is an alumni of the Arts of Africa and the Global Souths research programme. She currently lecturers N5 Ceramics and Introductory Drawing in the Department of Art and Design at Lovedale TVET College.

Zachariah is a Ugandan architect and designer.
Zachariah completed a Bachelor’s Degree in Architecture from the University of Constantine, Zarzara Institute. He has been in active practice, taking part in competitions, expositions,
conferences etc. He participated in Kaira Looro Competition for Design of a Cultural Center in Sedhiou Senegal and is heading the Design Team at Ateier Code 5, a Design Studio in Kamwokya, Kampala. He has directly been engaged in Concept Development and Design of various works of art, including buildings. He worked as the consultant for New OPD at Mukono General Hospital.